A Selected Silk Road Bibliography
We are very fortunate that Antonia’s father, Noel Bolingbroke-Kent was well acquainted with the author Peter Hopkirk (1930-2014). If you haven’t heard of Peter, he was one of the most knowledgeable collectors and historians of Silk Road literature. He was also a critically acclaimed author who wrote some of the most well-known books on the Silk Road and Great Game, such as:
The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia
Foreign Devils on the Silk Road: The Search for the Lost Cities and Treasures of Chinese Central Asia
Trespassers on the Roof of the World: The Race for Lhasa
Setting the East Ablaze: Lenin’s Dream of an Empire in Asia
Quest for Kim: in Search of Kipling’s Great Game
As a collector of books on the Silk Road, Peter Hopkirk had an impressive catalogue in his possession, and thanks to the friendship Noel had with Peter, this select bibliography has been kindly created for us by Noel. In it, you’ll see over 150 titles. Some are extremely rare whilst others can be found in good bookshops.
Here is the introduction to the collection, written for us by Noel, and below it is the bibliography itself, now with some added titles that have been published since his original work. Hopefully this will prove a useful resource to scholars and those with a general interest in the history of the Silk Road.
Introduction to the selected bibliography, September 2019
The Silk Road reached its height during the T’ang Dynasty (AD 618-907). Along this great trans-Asian highway linking Imperial Rome and distant China travelled precious cargos of silk, gold, ivory, exotic animals and rare plants. The Silk Road was also the means of conveying new ideas, art and knowledge. Its oasis towns blossomed into thriving trading cities and centres of Buddhist art and learning. As the Chinese lost control of the Silk Road, its traffic declined and its cities were covered by sand. When in the tenth century Western China fell to Islam, the Buddhist treasures of the Silk Road were almost entirely obliterated.
The principal theme of this select bibliography is the rediscovery of the Silk Road during the last 120 years, but there are also included works which illustrate the historical background of the Silk Road from the earliest times. In 1896 Sven Hedin rediscovered one of the former cities of the Silk Road; his Through Asia, published in 1898, established Hedin’s worldwide fame. His discovery started an international race to discover the Buddhist and other treasures of this remote part of Central Asia. Following Hedin’s discovery, archaeologists from England, Germany, France, Japan, Russia, and the United States led successive expeditions to the region. During the next thirty years enormous quantities of paintings, sculptures and manuscripts were removed from the former cities of the Silk Road and are now scattered throughout the museums of a dozen countries.
The most important of the archaeological raids from Europe were led by six men – Sven Hedin of Sweden, Sir Aurel Stein of Britain, Albert von Le Coq and Albert Grunwedel of Germany, Paul Pelliot of France and Langdon Warner of the United States. At the time these archaeologists, particularly Sir Aurel Stein, believed that their removal of the Silk Road treasures to such institutions as the British Museum was an unquestionable contribution to the scholarship of Central Asia. Despite later Chinese rancour at these archaeological activities, many scholars are now of the opinion that it is mainly due to European archaeologists that many of the Buddhist treasures of the Silk Road have survived.
In recent years, the literature of Central Asia, and particularly of the Silk Road, has become much sought after by scholars and travellers alike. This bibliography contains an extremely good representation of the writings of the pioneers who rediscovered the Silk Road. The most notable inclusion is a copy of Sir Aurel Stein’s excessively rare The Thousand Buddhas, 1921, copies of which are hardly ever offered for sale. Also included are Stein’s Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan, 1903, Ruins of Desert Cathay, 1912, The Art of Central Asia (the Stein Collection is the British Museum), 1983, Albert Grunwedel’s Altbuddhistische Kultstatten in Chinesisch-Turkistan, 1912, Sven Hedin’s History of the Expedition in Asia (1927-1935), 1943, Langdon Warner’s The Long Old Road in China, 1926 and Albert von Le Coq’s Auf Hellas Spuren in Turkistan, 1926. There are included scarce and informative works on almost all the people and places connected with the Silk Road throughout its history.
In the mid 1930s the Chinese put a stop to the pillaging of Silk Road treasures and that part of Central Asia was closed to foreigners for more than forty years. However, from about 1978 onwards, the Chinese have reopened some of the cities of the Silk Road and expeditions to this part of the Central Asia have become extremely popular. It is hoped that this bibliography of books on the Silk Road will help scholars and travellers to understand something of its long eventful history.
AGNEW, Neville. Conservation of Ancient Sites on the Silk Road. Los Angeles, The Getty Conservation Institute, 1997
AITMATOV, Chinghiz. Jamila. London, telegram Books, 2007. (Original release 1957).
ALLULI, Ranieri. Marco Polo. Torino, G.B. Paravia & Co., 1923.
AMBOLT, Nils. Karavan. Travels in Eastern Turkestan. London, Blackie & Son Ltd., 1939.
ANSARY, Tamim. Destiny Disrupted. A History of the World through Islamic Eyes. New York, Public Affairs, 2009.
BAGCHI, Prabodh Chandra. India and Central Asia. Calcutta, National Council of Education, 1955.
BECKWITH, Christopher. Empires of the Silk Road. A History of Central Eurasia from the Bronze Age to the Present. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2009.
BERGMAN, Folke. Archaeological Researches in Sinkiang, especially the Lop-Nor Region. Stockholm, Bokforlags Aktiebolaget Thule, 1939.
BHATTACHARYA, Chhaya. Arts of Central Asia. With Special Reference to Wooden Objects from the North Silk Route. Delhi, Agam Prakashan, 1977.
BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE. Trésors de Chine et de Haute Asie. Centième Anniversaire de Paul Pelliot. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, 1979.
BLUNT, Wilfrid. The Golden Road to Samarkand. London, Hamish Hamilton, 1973.
BONAVIA, Judy. The Silk Road. Xi’an to Kashgar. Hong Kong, Odyssey, 1992.
BOSSHARD, Walter. Hazards of Asia’s Highlands and Deserts. London, Figurehead, 1932.
BRUCE, Clarence Dalrymple. In the Footsteps of Marco Polo. Being the Account of a Journey Overland from Simla to Pekin. Edinburgh, William Blackwood & Sons, 1907.
BURNES, Alexander. Travels into Bokhara. London, John Murray, 1834.
BUSSAGLI, Mario. Painting of Central Asia. Geneva, Albert Skira, 1963.
BYRON, Robert. The Road to Oxiana. London, Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1937.
CABLE, Mildred & FRENCH, Francesca. George Hunter. Apostle of Turkestan. London, China Inland Mission, 1948.
CABLE, Mildred & FRENCH, Francesca. The Gobi Desert. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1943.
CABLE, Mildred & FRENCH, Francesca. The Making of a Pioneer. Percy Mather of Central Asia. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1935.
CABLE, Mildred & FRENCH, Francesca. Something Happened. An Account of a Missionary Journey in China. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1933.
CABLE, Mildred & FRENCH, Francesca. Through Jade Gate and Central Asia. An Account of Journeys in Kansu, Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. London, Constable & Co. Ltd., 1932.
CABLE, Mildred & FRENCH, Francesca. Wall of Spears. The Gobi Desert. London, Lutterworth Press, 1951.
CHEN, Tsu-lung. Eloges de Personnages Eminents de Touen-Houang sous les T’ang et les Cinq Dynasties. Paris, Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient, 1970.
CHEN, Tsu-lung. Fragment d’un lexique Chinois de Touen-Houang. Paris, Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient, 1964.
CHEN, Tsu-lung. La Vie et les Oeuvres de Wou-Tchen 818-895. Contribution à l’Histoire Culturelle de Touen-Houang. Paris, Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient, 1966.
CHKLOVSKI, Victor. Le Voyage de Marco Polo. Paris, Payot, 1938.
CHOU, Shao-miao & WU, Mi-feng. Designs from the Tunhuang Caves. Peking, Foreign Languages Press, 1956.
CHURCH, Percy William. Chinese Turkestan with Caravan and Rifle. London, Rivingtons, 1901.
CLEMENTS, Jonathan. A History of the Silk Road. London, Haus Publishing, 2013.
COLLIS, Maurice. Marco Polo. London, Faber & Faber Ltd., 1959.
CURTIS, William Eleroy. Turkestan. The Heart of Asia. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1911.
CURZON, George Nathaniel. The Pamirs and the Source of the Oxus. London, Royal Geographical Society, 1896.
DANZIGER, Nick. Danziger’s Adventures. From Miami to Kabul. London, HarperCollins, 1992.
DANZIGER, Nick. Danziger’s Travels. Beyond Forbidden Frontiers. London, Grafton Books, 1987.
DAVIDSON, Basil. Turkestan Alive. New Travels in Chinese Central Asia. London, Jonathan Cape, 1957.
DENES, Françoise. Catalogue Raisonné des Objets en Bois Provenant de Dunhuang et Conservés au Musée Guimet. Paris, Editions des Musées Nationaux, 1976.
DUNHUANG. The Art Treasures of Dunhuang. Hong Kong, Joint Publishing Co., 1981.
DUNHUANG. The Flying Devis of Dunhuang. Beijing, China Travel and Tourism Press, 1982.
DUNHUANG. Peintures Monochrome de Dunhuang. Dunhuang Baihua. Paris, Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient, 1978.
EASTON, Robert. China Caravans. Santa Barbara, Capra Press, 1982.
EDEN, Caroline, Black Sea, Quadrille Press, London, 2018
EDEN, Caroline. Red Sands, Quadrille Press, London, 2020
EDEN, Caroline. Samarkand, Quadrille Press, London, 2016
FARR, Saffia. Revolution Baby. Motherhood and Anarchy in Kyrgyzstan. Spire Publishing, Canada, 2007
FATLAND, Erika. Sovietistan, A Journey Through Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, London, Quercus Publishing, 2019
FERGUSON, John C. Outlines of Chinese Art. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1918.
FILCHNER, Wilhelm. Bismillah! Vom Huang-ho zum Indus. Leipzig, F.U. Brockhaus, 1942.
FLEMING, Peter. News from Tartary. A Journey from Peking to Kashmir. London, Jonathan Cape, 1936.
FRANKOPAN, Peter. The Silk Roads. A New History of the World. London, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015.
FRANKOPAN, Peter. The New Silk Roads. The Present and Future of the World. London, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018.
FRY, Roger, BINYON, Laurence, SIREN, Osvald & others. Chinese Art. London, B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1949.
GILES, Lionel. Six Centuries at Tunhuang. A Short Account of the Stein Collection of Chinese MSS in the British Museum. London, China Society, 1944.
GROUSSET, René. L’Empire des Steppes. Attila, Gengis-Khan, Tamerlan. Paris, Payot, 1948.
GRUNWEDEL, Albert. Altbuddhistische Kultstatten in Chinesisch-Turkistan. Berlin, Verlag von Georg Reimer, 1912.
HANSEN, Valerie. The Silk Road. A New History. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012.
HEDIN, Sven. Across the Gobi Desert. London, George Routledge & Sons Ltd., 1931.
HEDIN, Sven. Auf Grosser Fahrt. Meine Expedition mit Schweden, Deutschen and Chinesen durch die Wuste Gobi 1927-1928. Leipzig, F.U. Brockhaus, 1929.
HEDIN, Big Horse’s Flight. The Trail of War in Central Asia. London, Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1936.
HEDIN, Sven. Central Asia and Tibet. Towards the Holy City of Lassa. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1903.
HEDIN, Sven. My Life as an Explorer. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1925.
HEDIN, Sven. The Silk Road. London, George Routledge & Sons Ltd., 1938.
HEDIN, Sven. The Wandering Lake. New York, E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1940.
HEDIN, Sven. Through Asia. London, Methuen & Co., 1898.
HEDIN, Sven. Trois Ans de Luttes aux Déserts d’Asie. Paris, Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1899.
HEDIN, Sven & BERGMAN, Folke. History of the Expedition in Asia 1927-1935. Stockholm, Elander, 1943-1945.
HOGG, Garry. With Peter Fleming in Tartary. London, Frederick Muller, Ltd., 1960.
HOPKIRK, Peter. Foreign Devils on the Silk Road. The Search for the Lost Cities and Treasures of Chinese Central Asia. London, John Murray, 1980.
HOPKIRK, Peter. The Great Game. On Secret Service in High Asia. London, John Murray, 1990.
HOPKIRK, Peter. Quest for Kim. In search of Kipling’s Great Game. London, John Murray, 1996.
HOPKIRK, Peter. Setting the East Ablaze. Lenin’s Dream of an Empire in Asia. London, John Murray, 1984
HOPKIRK, Peter. Trespassers on the Roof of the World. The Race for Lhasa. London, John Murray, 1982.
HRBAS, Milos & KNOBLOCH, Edgar. The Art of Central Asia. London, Paul Hamlyn, 1965.
HUC, Evariste Régis. Travels in Tartary. New York, Alfred A. Knopf. 1927.
HUNTINGTON, Ellsworth. The Pulse of Asia. A Journey in Central Asia Illustrating the Geographic Basis of History. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1907.
ISMAILOV, Hamid, The Devil’s Dance. London, Tilted Axis Publications, 2018.
JENYNS, Soame. A Background to Chinese Painting. London, Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd., 1935.
KEAY, John. The Gilgit Game. The Explorers of the Western Himalayas 1865-1895. London, John Murray, 1979.
KEAY, John. When Men and Mountains Meet. The Explorers of the Western Himalayas 1820-1875. London, John Murray, 1977.
KIPLING, Rudyard. Kim. London, Macmillan and Co., 1901.
KLIMBURG-SALTER, Deborah. The Silk Road and the Diamond Path. Esoteric Buddhist Art on the Trans-Himalayan Trade Routes. Los Angeles, UCLA Art Council, 1982.
LANE FOX, Robin. Alexander the Great. London, Allen Lane, 1973.
LATTIMORE, Eleanor Holgate. Turkestan Reunion. New York, John Day Co., 1934.
LATTIMORE, Owen. High Tartary. Boston, Little Brown & Co., 1930.
LATTIMORE, Owen. Inner Asian Frontiers of China. New York, Capitol Publishing Co. Inc., 1951.
LATTIMORE, Owen. Pivot of Asia. Sinkiang and the Inner Asian Frontiers of China and Russia. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1950.
LE COQ, Albert von. Buried Treasures of Chinese Turkestan. London. George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1928.
LI, Shaman Hwui. The Life of Hiuen-Tsiang. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd., 1911.
LILLIS, Joanna. Dark Shadows. Inside the secret world of Kazakhstan. London, IB Tauris, 2019
LISTER, Richard Percival. Marco Polo’s Travels in Xanadu with Kublai Khan. London, Gordon and Cremonesi, 1976.
LIU, Xinru. The Silk Road in World History. New York, Oxford University Press, 2010.
MACLEAN, Fitzroy. Back to Bokhara. London, Jonathan Cape, 1959.
MACLEAN, Fitzroy. Eastern Approaches. London, Jonathan Cape, 1949.
MAILLARD, Monique. Grottes et Monuments d’Asie Centrale. Paris, Librairie Jean Maisonneuve, 1983.
MAILLART, Ella. Forbidden Journey. From Peking to Kashmir. London, William Heinemann Ltd., 1937.
MAILLART, Ella. Turkestan Solo. One Woman’s Expedition from the Tien Shan to the Kizil Kum. New York, G.B. Putnam’s Sons, 1935.
MANNERHEIM, Carl Gustaf. Across Asia From West to East in 1906-1908. Oosterhout, Anthropological Publications, 1969.
MARSHALL, John. The Buddhist Art of Gandhara. Cambridge, University Press, 1960.
MERWIN, Samuel. Silk. A Legend as Narrated in the Journals and Correspondence of Jan Po. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1923.
MEYER, Karl & BRYSAC, Shareen. Tournament of Shadows. The Great Game and the Race for Empire in Central Asia. London, Abacus, 2001.
MILLWARD, James A. The Silk Road. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013.
MIRSKY, Jeannette. Sir Aurel Stein. Archaeological Explorer. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1977.
MOLTENO, Marion. An Uncertain Light. London, Advance Editions Publications, 2015.
MOORHOUSE, Geoffrey. Apples in the Snow. Journey to Samarkand. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1990.
MOORHOUSE, Geoffrey. To the Frontier. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1984.
MORGAN, Gerald. Ney Elias. Explorer and Envoy Extraordinary in High Asia. London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1971.
MORGAN, Joyce & WALTERS, Conrad. Journeys on the Silk Road. Guilford, Lyons Press, 2012.
NAZAROFF, Paul. Hunted through Central Asia. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2006.
NEBENZAHL, Kenneth. Mapping the Silk Road and Beyond. 2000 Years of Exploring the East. New York, Phaidon Press, 2004.
PAMUK, Orhan. Snow. Istanbul, Faber and Faber, 2004.
PELLIOT, Paul. Grottes de Touen-Huang. Carnet de Notes de Paul Pelliot. Inscriptions et Peintures Murales I. Grottes 1 à 30. Paris, Centre de Recherche sur l’Asie Centrale et la Haute Asie, 1981.
PELLIOT, Paul. Grottes de Touen-Huang. Carnet de Notes de Paul Pelliot. Inscriptions et Peintures Murales II. Grottes 31 à 72. Paris, Centre de Recherche sur l’Asie Centrale et la Haute Asie, 1983.
PELLIOT, Paul. Grottes de Touen-Huang. Carnet de Notes de Paul Pelliot. Inscriptions et Peintures Murales III. Grottes 73 à 111. Paris, Centre de Recherche sur l’Asie Centrale et la Haute Asie, 1983.
POLO, Marco. The Most Noble and Famous Travels of Marco Polo, together with the Travels of Nicolò de’ Conti. London, Argonaut Press, 1929.
POLO, Marco. The Travels of Marco Polo. London, J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1936.
POLO, Marco. Voyages and Travels of Marco Polo. London, Cassell & Co. Ltd., 1886.
PRODAN, Mario. An Introduction to Chinese Art. London, Spring Books, 1996.
RAND, Robert. Tamerlane’s Children. Dispatches from contemporary Uzbekistan. One World Publications, Oxford, 2006.
RAYFIELD, Donald. The Dream of Lhasa. The Life of Nikolay Przhevalsky 1839-1888. Explorer of Central Asia. London, Paul Elek, 1976.
RIDLEY, Michael. Treasures of China. Christchurch, Dolphin Press, 1973.
ROSS, Edward Denison. Marco Polo and his Book. London, Humphrey Milford, 1935.
ROWAN, Nick. Friendly Steppes, a Silk Road Journey. Hertfordshire Press, London, 2012.
SAID, Kurban. Ali and Nino. Vienna, 1937.
SALZMANN, Erich von. Im sattel durch Zentralasien 600 Kilometer in 176 tagen. Berlin, Globus Verlag, 1912.
SCHOMBERG, Reginald Charles Francis. Peaks and Plains of Central Asia. London, Martin Hopkinson Ltd., 1933.
SEVERIN, Timothy. Tracking Marco Polo. London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1964.
SHIPTON, Diana. The Antique Land. (Kashgar). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1950.
SHIPTON, Eric. Mountains of Tartary. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1951.
SHOR, Jean Bowie. The Trail of Marco Polo. London, Frederick Muller, 1956.
SINKIANG. Cultural Relics Unearthed in Sinkiang. Peking, Wen Wu Press, 1975.
SIREN, Osvald. The Chinese on the Art of Painting. Peiping, Henri Vetch, 1936.
SKRINE, Clarmont Percival. Chinese Central Asia. London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1926.
SKRINE, Clarmont Percival & NIGHTINGALE, Pamela. Macartney at Kashgar. New Light on British, Chinese and Russian Activities in Sinkiang 1890-1918. London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1973.
SKRINE, Francis Henry & ROSS, Edward Denison. The Heart of Asia. A History of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian Khanates from the Earliest Times. London, Methuen & Co., 1899.
SOMMARSTROM, Bo. Archaeological Researches in the Edsen-Gol Region, Inner Mongolia. Stockholm, Statens Etnografiska Museum, 1956.
STEIN, Aurel. Les Documents Chinois de la Troisième Expédition de Sir Aurel Stein en Asie Centrale. London, Trustees of the British Museum, 1953.
STEIN, Aurel. Innermost Asia. Detailed Report of Explorations in Central Asia. Kan-su and Eastern Iran. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1928.
STEIN, Aurel. On Ancient Central-Asian Tracks. Brief Narrative of Three Expeditions in Innermost Asia and North-Western China. London, Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1933.
STEIN, Aurel. Ruins of Desert Cathay. Personal Narrative of Exploration in Central Asia and Westernmost China. London, Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1912.
STEIN, Aurel. Sand-buried Ruins of Khotan. Personal Narrative of a Journey of Archaeological and Geographical Exploration in Chinese Turkestan. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1903.
STEIN, Aurel. Serindia. Detailed Report of Explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1921.
STEIN, Aurel. The Thousand Buddhas. Ancient Buddhist Paintings from the Cave-temples of Tun-huang on the Western Frontier of China. Recovered and Described by Aurel Stein. London, Bernard Quaritch Ltd., 1921.
STEIN, Aurel. Les Tribus Anciennes des Marches Sino-Tibétaines. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1961.
SULLIVAN, Michael. The Cave Temples of Maichishan. London, Faber & Faber, 1969.
SYKES, Percy. The Quest for Cathay. London, A. & C. Black Ltd., 1936.
TALBOT RICE, Tamara. Ancient Arts of Central Asia. London, Thames & Hudson, 1965.
TAYLOR, Mary Geraldine. The Call of China’s Great North-West. Kansu and Beyond. London, China Inland Mission, 1923.
TEICHMAN, Eric. Journey to Turkistan. London, Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1937.
TEICHMAN, Eric. Travels of a Consular Officer in North-West China, Cambridge, University Press, 1921.
THUBRON, Colin. Lost Heart of Asia. London, William Heinemann Ltd., 1994.
THUBRON, Colin. Shadow of the Silk Road. London, Chatto & Windus, 2006.
TOYNBEE, Arnold Joseph. Between Oxus and Jumna. London, Oxford University Press, 1961.
TRINKLER, Emil. The Stormswept Roof of Asia. London, Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd., 1931.
TUCKER, Jonathan. The Silk Road. Art and History. London, Philip Wilson, 2003.
URE, John. Sabres on the Steppes. Danger, Diplomacy and Adventure in the Great Game. London, Constable, 2012.
VASEL, Georg. My Russian Jailers in China. London, Hurst & Blackett Ltd., 1937.
VINCENT, Irene Vongehr. The Sacred Oasis. Caves of the Thousand Buddhas, Tun-Huang. London, Faber & Faber, 1953.
WALKER, Annabel. Aurel Stein. Pioneer of the Silk Road. London John Murray, 1995.
WALDSCHMIDT, Ernst. Gandhara, Kutscha, Turfan. San Francisco, Chinese Materials Center Inc., 1976.
WARMINGTON, Eric Herbert. The Commerce between the Roman Empire and India. Cambridge, University Press, 1928.
WARNER, Langdon. The Long Old Road in China. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1926.
WHITFIELD, Roderick. The Art of Central Asia. The Stein Collection in the British Museum. London, Kodansha International, 1982.
WHITFIELD, Susan. Aurel Stein on the Silk Road. London, British Museum Press, 2004.
WHITFIELD, Susan. Life Along the Silk Road. London, John Murray, 1999.
WHITLOCK, Monica. Beyond the Oxus. The Central Asians. London, John Murray, 2002.
WOOD, Frances. The Silk Road. Two Thousand Years in the Heart of Asia. London, British Library, 2003.